A downloadable asset pack

Buy Now$1.99 USD or more

Limited palette, unlimited possibilities!

This pack was designed for the minimalist developer in mind. It has a bit of everything, but not enough to make your project feel bloated with assets. It was designed with a Roguelike system in mind, but can be used for nearly anything, honestly.

Over a dozen enemies, tons of weapons and armors, 6 NPCs, and perfectly tiling dungeon terrain.


Buy Now$1.99 USD or more

In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

GB RPGNoBGBW.png 6.2 kB
bodyoutline.png 1.7 kB
Cover1.png 8.4 kB
GB RPG.png 8.9 kB
GB RPGNoBG.png 7.7 kB
inventoryblock.png 200 bytes
skillicons.png 3.9 kB
slashanim.gif 305 bytes
statsheet.png 3.5 kB
textbox.png 1 kB


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Can you post another picture

Added a few more screenshots :)